HCA Christmas Party Day

Friday was a big day.  All three boys had Christmas parties at school and Judge Brown's retirement party was that night.  The morning started, as it often does, with Finn laying in my bathroom floor while I do my hair and makeup.  He comes into my bathroom every morning and we talk for about 30 minutes.  On this particular morning, I turned some music on to have in the background.  Finn got ill with  me and told me to turn it off - that he just wanted to talk to me.   I often forget that it won't be like this forever - there will come a time (in the not too distant future) where Finn won't want to hang out with me every second of the day. But for now, I will enjoy it.

Will found a picture of Finn and Sam - grabbed it - and started walking around the house with it.  He was so precious looking at his brothers.

Before going over to HCA, I dropped Will off at daycare.  This is his teacher, Miss Jazz.  I really like Miss Jazz and Will loves her.  She is so patient and sweet.  Will is so happy to see her each morning.

Next, I met Michael at HCA.  We dropped the boys off in their classrooms and went over to McDonalds to get coffee.  All parents were invited to attend Christmas Chapel so after coffee, Michael and I found a place in the sanctuary for Chapel.  I have never been to Chapel at HCA so I was surprised when this turned out to be a fun chapel.  We all sang a medley of Christmas songs - both Christian and fun. Then Headmaster Goodale let the kids play "Christmas Wreathe Pong" and Giant Jenga. Parents were invited to join their children during Jinga - Sam asked Pa to help him.  After Chapel, Gran and Pa went to Finn's party while Michael and I went to Sam's Party.

Sam was precious at his party.  I helped him make a marshmallow snowman.  It was a cut craft.  We used Twizzlers for the scarf and chocolate chips for the buttons. We secured the chocolate chips with vanilla icing which Sam kept calling butter.  He was so  surprised at how tasty the butter was.

Next we opened gifts.  Sam got "my own writing pad!" from his teacher and a football from Rowdy.  He was pumped about that football.  He immediately ran over to Rowdy and thanked him for the gift.  He was so precious that I almost cried.

Then he pretended to score a touchdown.

Next Sam gave me and Michael our Christmas ornament that he made for us.

This was the card for Mrs. Raymer that I mentioned in an earlier post.  You know, the "shirtless" picture.

Michael and I then made a switch with Gran and Pa and went to Finn's party.  We arrived at Finn's party just in time for the games. During this particular game, Finn got really excited, tripped over his own two feet and fell backward into a chair.  Unfortunately, sitting in this particular chair was an 18 month old baby.  Well . . . your's truly made a spectacular diving maneuver and caught that baby before she hit the floor.

Finn's Christmas Ornament

Finn's Class.

After the parties, I took the boys home and we hung out until it was time to go to Judge Brown's retirement party.  The first person I spotted at the Christmas party was Judge Tatum - the Wilson County Juvenile Court Judge.  He loves babies and when Sam was Will's age, used to hold him while sentencing kids to JUVI.  Sam just sat quietly in his lap and let Judge Tatum feed him candy.  Will took to Judge Tatum too.  While catching up, Will kept holding his hand out for Judge Tatum to shake and then finally started reaching for him.

Me and Samantha

Judge Brown.  I will miss him terribly.  The party was really fun.  It seemed like the whole town came out to send him off.


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