Putting up the Christmas Tree with Buck Denver

On November 12th we started the process of putting up the Christmas tree.  It is now December 4th and I have still not completed the process of putting up my Christmas tree.  I made a conscious decision NOT to put my fragile ornaments up this year due to Will's ever  increasing interest in destroying everything in sight.  This year, in an attempt to avoid a nervous breakdown, I only let the boys put up ornaments that are shatter proof.  Only Finn noticed the difference. 

We ended up having a really good night.  It was Finn's idea for he and Sam to decorate the tree in their Christmas pajamas.  While decorating we turned on the "Buck Denver" What is Christmas special.  

Such concentration.  He must have known that if he messed up my tree or my ornament that I would write unflattering, though well deserved, things about him on my blog. 


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