Christmas Morning

Christmas morning 2017 was really great.  It was our last Christmas of the year, so once the last present was opened, Christmas was over.  The boys got us up at around 8:00.  I made cinnamon rolls and the boys ate while we waited for Gran and Pa to arrive.   All of the boys were really excited and seemed to like their gifts.

Sam's Moana Legos.

Sam's Intercontinental Championship Belt.

Will loved the boy's new wrestlers.

We got Will a couple of Buck Denvers, a Duplo Truck and two smaller trucks.  He was so happy.

Both boys got a "Shield" t-shirt.

Sam doing the Roman Reign's pose.

After presents I made pancakes and we had a late breakfast.  Then the boys spent the rest of the day playing with their new stuff.

Finn couldn't get his Lego's together.  Sam, on the other hand spent hours (with Michael) building his Moana Lego set.  We were really proud of him.

I took down the Christmas decorations.


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