Martin Luther King Jr. Day

At noon on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Finn and I marched in the Sumner County Martin Luther King, Jr. March.  It was pretty cold - in the 40s for the entire walk.  But considering that we have had several days of weather in the "teens" and snow on top of that, 40 degrees was a welcomed relief.

Some of the younger children spent the morning making signs to carry to during the march.  Finn did not make this sign.  I couple of little girls gave us these signs.

There was  a great turn out.  They closed main street and we walked from City Hall to Gallatin High School.  During the march all of the cars on the opposite side of the road pulled over as we walked by.  I was really glad to be able to do this with Finn.  We were able to talk about the civil rights movement, Martin Luther King, Jr., and the fact that we all have value because we are made in the image of God.

Finn did great during the march.  He didn't complain about the walk or the weather.  What I enjoyed most about Finn though was the fact that he spoke in a British accent during the entire march.  I am not joking.  Through the entire march, whether he was talking to me or the person next to him - he spoke in his best and loudest British accent.  I was so tickled with him.  I kept thinking, what is going on - this is so weird.

Once we got to the high school we had hot chocolate and coffee. Then we turned around made the walk back to the car.  On the way home Finn discovered the joy of pushing the "walk" sign buttons.  As we were walking over the bridge into the square Finn said, "Mom - this is such a beautiful view - take my picture." 

In appreciation of Finn walking with me, I took him to Sonic for a milkshake.

Later than evening I learned that the boys' school was cancelled for the next day.  This was their reaction.


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