
Last week the boys started Upward for 2018.  Everyone came to see Finn and Sam play.  Unfortunately, I had to go to an event and only made it for half of Sam's game.  But . . . from what I have been told, Sam did great.  He made the first 7 baskets for his team.  Sam's team is probably going to be pretty good.  Finn's team on the other hand was quite awful.  I think that they only scored 2 baskets during the entire game. Finn seemed to forget everything he had learned to date and just started chucking balls in the general direction of the goal.

My favorite part of Finn's game was the introduction.  Since it was the first game of the year all of the kids ran out from underneath a big balloon canopy.  When Finn's name was called he ran out with his arms spread out to his side and then started twirling.  Finn has watched a lot of professional basketball and decided that any good entrance required a twirl.  Well, Finn didn't account for the fact that he is not all that coordinated.  As he was coming out of his second twirl he lost his balance and almost fell face first into the bleachers.  It was hilarious.

While week one was pretty bad for Finn - week 2 was great. The whole team played well and Finn made several baskets.  Sam made several in his second game too.


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