A Month in Review

One Sunday this month, Will and I kept the nursery.  I hate keeping the nursery.  I don't really like to hold other people's babies.  That being said, there was need that needed to be filled - and I wanted to fill it.  Will wasn't really that great of a helper.  He was a bit older than the other babies and spent more time trying to get away from them.   I brought an apple for Will to eat for snack.  All of the other babies saw Will eating his apple and tried their best to get it from him.  Finally I locked him in a crib so that he could finish his apple his peace.  He was very happy - especially when I started changing diapers in the next crib over.  Will would peer over the crib and antagonize the babies.  Then he would kick the side of the crib and laugh.  He was really quite funny.  

As for that apple, Will finished it - the whole thing - core and all.

Sam telling me that I make THE BEST ice cream.

At bedtime one night last week, I spent some time complimenting Sam on being a great sharer.  Finn, never to be left out, started to complain that I wasn't complimenting him.  I told Finn that they both had great character traits - just different. Finn agreed and pointed out that there were some areas of his life that he excels and Sam struggles.  Finn said, "Sam, do you know what I am talking about?"  Sam, without missing a beat said, "temper."  Oh my sweet Sam and my self-righteous Finn. 

Will and Finn wrestling.  These two are precious together.  Will really loves those boys.  Every morning his first question is "where Finn go?"  I tell him that Finn is at school.  Then he asks "Where Sam go?" 

Will riding to church. 

Will's smile is so sweet.  Oh, and so is Michael's.

On Friday, Michael took the boys to see “The House With the Clock in the Walls.”  They were scared senseless. Michael told me that they basically sat on top of him for the whole movie. When they got home that evening the boys and I made popcorn and watched Jurassic Park Fallen Kingdom while Michael attended an event at church. Will watched the entire movie. He was so into it. He roared and pointed and screamed about all the dinosaurs. Sam informed me that the two main characters got married in the first movie. I asked how he knew this. He responded, “because they kissed mom.”


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