Suggestions for a More Pleasant Office

This summer Finn and Sam spent a few days at my office.  They love coming to my office.  First,  I have a TV.  Second, my judicial assistant  sets up my office as a makeshift basketball court.  When I get off the bench I arrive to see Finn and Sam dunking paper basketballs into a raised trash can.  But the number one reason the boys love coming to my office is walking down to Govan's for Ice Cream. They love walking from my office to the square.  They like to look at the buildings and jumping over the posts.  They touch every garage can along the way and they have to fight the urge to walk into the road.  Its really the only time that they get to walk on a sidewalk.

However, it isn't all sunshine and roses.  With some time on his hands (I was in court), Finn pointed out things that would make my office better.  He writes them down on post-it notes and sticks his suggestions to the applicable electronic or piece of furniture.  For example, I found post-its that said: 1) komfeyer chair 2) movie player 3) games on computer.

Sam's post-it notes were much sweeter . . .


  1. Reminds me of going to Sparta Hardware after school in the 60's!
    They are so precious!


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