Fire on the Water 2018 - Jamestown Revival

This year Gallatin, Tennessee rolled out it's inaugural "Fire on the Water" music festival out at Lock 4 Road.  This festival was particularly special for me because one of my favorite bands of all time, Jamestown Revival, headlined the event.   

As a member of GET, I was given the opportunity to volunteer at the event.  I jumped at this opportunity because it meant a free ticket, a free t-shirt and a chance to get good seats at the show.  I worked the 4-7 shift in ticketing.  At around 6:30, it was clear that they needed many, many more volunteers for the 7-10 shift.  I told Kim that I was happy to work the 7-10 shift.  I jumped on the back of her Gator and she drove me to the event location (ticketing was in a completely separate spot).   

I couldn't believe how great the event looked.  We had two (2) stages right in front of the water.  There were boats floating nearby,  lights hanging from the trees and food trucks.  It looked great.  Kim placed me in VIP - meaning I ran food to the VIP ticket holders.  Basically, they gave me their order, I placed in the order at the food trucks, waited for the food to be prepared and then ran it back to the VIP tent.  Though it doesn't sound like much, I loved it.  I really liked interacting with the people.  At around 8:45, a woman came up to me and very apologetically asked me if I would mind going to get her a fork.  She immediately took back her request out of embarrassment.  I assured her that her request fell exactly within my job description and told her that I was happy to get her a fork - and I was.  I decided to go to the Grilled Cheeserie, because they were very nice to me all evening.  As I topped the hill, I saw Jamestown Revival standing at the Grilled Cheese - completely alone.  I gathered my courage and went over, said hello and thanked them for coming to Gallatin.  They were very gracious and didn't seem put out by my intrusion. They told me how nice everyone is in Gallatin.  I told them that made since as we were voted "The Nicest Place in America."  It was all very pleasant until they called me "Ma'am." Ouch.   It was then that I realized how truly old I am getting. 

Next, I bopped back down to the VIP tent, gave the ticket holder her fork, and thanked her for the opportunity to serve her.  About 30 minutes later, I grabbed a grilled cheese and found a nice place on the berm to sit and watch the show.  I didn't know anyone else at the show and I was excited to sit quietly and enjoy good food and good music.  Then the music started and within two minutes I couldn't stand it anymore - I packed up my sandwich and headed toward the stage.  Luckily another attorney and fellow music lover had the same idea and we stood together through the entire show. 

Midway through they addressed the crowd and again mentioned how much they liked Gallatin.  Then they said that someone had told them that Gallatin was voted "The Nicest Place in America."  I was pumped that they quoted me from stage.  Generic yes, but pumped nonetheless. 

The show was really incredible.  The playlist was great, the harmonies were spot on, the location was beautiful and the crowd was really responsive.  It wasn't a big crowd - but it was an excited and grateful crowd.  

I made it home a little before 1:00 a.m. and I was too excited to sleep.  It was a really special night.  I can't wait for next year.


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