Gingerbread Houses

Every year Gran had the whole family over to her house and we make gingerbread houses together.  This was the first year that Will was really able to be involved and participate.  I'll say that Will had more fun than anyone making Gingerbread houses.  He was focused and intentional and really tried his best.

I worked with Finn and Sam helping them get their houses in tip-top shape.  NOT.  Gingerbread houses stress me out because I want everything to be neat and symmetrical and make since on the color spectrum.  Finn and Sam slop icing on and put candy in whatever order they feel like at the time.  I guess the important thing is that they are having fun. My teeth might be on edge - but they are having fun.  Gran is good at chilling out and letting the boys have fun and be creative.   

I can't really comment on this other than it looks like a bad wrestling promo.


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