Sweet Brothers

Attending sporting events with Will is a "mixed bag."  Some days he is awful and won't let you watch one moment of the other boys' games; other times he is good as gold.  This is one of those times.  These two pictures were taken at Finn and Sam's last baseball games of the 2018 Fall season.  It was a really nice day - cool and sunny.  Will brought a few dinosaurs to play with while I watched Finn's game. I actually was able to watch most of it. Will was doing great until some of the other children wanted Will to share his dinosaurs.  Will decided that it was better "not to play at all" instead of share.  So he handed me his toys and took off toward the playground. 

It was at this game that Sam made three hits and Finn found a squirrel in his team's dugout.

Before having children, I always thought that I would want four - four boys to be exact. In fact, I remember telling a friend in law school that I wanted four boys.  The plan went off the tracks a bit when Sam was two and a half years old.  At that point life got much easier.  Finn and Sam were old enough to keep each other occupied; and we were out of baby toys, bottles, breast feeding and diapers.  Better yet, both Finn and Sam were pretty good babies.   We had made it - and Michael and I were well on our way to enjoying the last half of our 30s with ease.   Then right about the time I had decided NOT to have more children, something happened and I couldn't fight the feeling that our family was not complete.  I was very irritated by this feeling of unrest. I didn't want to be pregnant again, I didn't want to have enormous bazoongas again for almost two years, I didn't want to have to lose the weight again, and I didn't want to be beholden to a baby's schedule again. But all of those reasons couldn't overpower my desire to expand our family.  Boy am I glad that I didn't listen to all of those self-serving reasons.  Just check out these sweet brothers. They enjoy each other so much. Even though we didn't make it to four, Will made our family feel complete.  And yes, I will still continue to complain about him because he is a goober. 


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