Tornado Warnings

As a resident of the Middle Tennessee area, I have grown accustomed to tornado watches and warnings (thought I can't for the life of me remember which is which).  In early December we had some pretty intense tornado warnings in the north end of Sumner County.  It was about 10:00 p.m. when the meteorologist announced that people in our area should take cover.  Even though both Michael and I have been in the eye of a tornado (which caused pretty extensive damage), Michael refuses to get our boys out of bed and go to our safe zone.  When I saw that the new was singling out our road, I broke protocol and went upstairs to get Will.  They least I could do was go get the baby - the only member of our family that sleeps upstairs. After all, it was a really bad storm.

Well, Michael was right (as usual). The storm didn't touch our home and we could have left Will snoozing safely in bed.  But, even though I was technically wrong, I still came out the winner because I was able to hold my sleeping baby on the couch for a few minutes that night.

He has such nice eyelashes.

I wanted to take a picture of my birthday present from Judge Howard.  He and I are both "Community" fans.  Judge Howard is the Troy to my Abed.  This is a great gift!


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