Cross Country Tri-Meet
Around 3:00 a.m. I heard a small little voice crying from over the balcony. It was Will Begley. He had a bad dream and needed to sleep in our bed. His dream: he was being chased by a giant squid with one eye.
Later than evening we went to the Greenway at Station Camp to watch Finn and Sam compete in the Tri-Meet. The school invited were DA, White House Middle School and Station Camp. The boys did great! Finn had his best run to date. He ran a 13 minute 24 second race. Last year is best was 14:09. Sam ran a 20:47.
Finn's finish. Finn came in 4th overall and 1st for DA.
Last year one of the coaches told us that she loved to watch Finn run because he always has a smile on his face. What a goof ball.

Sam gave it everything he had. He ran the whole time!

When we got home I read the first chapter of Super Fudge to Will. After a few sentences, Finn and Sam wandered in and listened. They all laughed at that book. Will is supposed to read for 20 minutes each night. Finn thought that the "Fudge books" would be good homework books for the whole family.
Sam gave it everything he had. He ran the whole time!
When we got home I read the first chapter of Super Fudge to Will. After a few sentences, Finn and Sam wandered in and listened. They all laughed at that book. Will is supposed to read for 20 minutes each night. Finn thought that the "Fudge books" would be good homework books for the whole family.
Will loves to talk before he goes to bed. Each night he will ask, "Mom, can we talk about our lives." So, on this night I asked him if he was enjoying school. He responded, "if I said no what would you do about it." I didn't expect that answer - it felt a little snarky to me. I explained to Will that we wouldn't change schools, but that we would talk about it and we would encourage him and try to give him opportunities to talk to his friends from last year. Will seemed satisfied with my answer.
Next I asked Will if he had made any friends at school. He said "no, but I am very close to making to making a friend." He said that there was one "friend" at school that he didn't like very much because he talked with his mouth full of food and the food got in Will's hair. That one made me laugh.
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