Lake Weekend 2022

Every summer we spend a weekend at Eddie and Elaine's lake house. This year it happened to fall the weekend after the first week of school. The boys had cross country meet the night before so we got up early on Saturday and drove to Sparta. 

My favorite thing to do when we go to the lake is to the Falls. If the water level is high enough we can take the boat most of the way back to the falls. Two years ago we went to Fanchers Falls, this year we went to Burgess Falls. 

This was me right before I "gracefully" fell back into the water.  The rocks were really slippery and I was not strong enough to pull myself up. 

I love Burgess Falls.  We swam out to the falls  - the water was freezing and the current was pretty strong as we got closer to the falls. 

Sam was sure he was going to drown. He had a hard time breathing because of the cold water, he had a hard time swimming against the current, the water splashed into his eyes and bothered him.  Its no wonder that he started to panic.  I swam him out, but it was not easy.  At one I asked him, "are you kicking your feet at all?" He said, "no." He was happy as he could be to let me do all the work. 

We really had a great time. 

The rest of the day was spent playing in the water, jumping off of the top of the boat, riding the tube and telling ghost stories.  The lake weekend if one of the boys' favorite things!

Look how much fun Michael is having!


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