Will Is Once Again a Bear

Will has started Kindergarten at DA!  He really enjoyed being a Beech Buccaneer - particularly getting to wear all of his "cool" clothes.  I have never met a child that is so concerned with his personal style.  He also made really good friends at Beech - friends that he misses.  Nevertheless, we always intended for him to start school at DA from the ground up and now is the time. 

The night before school started Will went to his closet and picked out his "First Day of School" uniform.  He specifically chose the white polo.  He was also very excited to wear his new white tennis shoes.  I am noticing a trend.  He looked adorable! 

Once in the car I tried to get a few candid shots.  He noticed and hid behind his Fortnite backpack. 

Since it was Will's "First Day" we all drove to school and walked him  to the door.  There were a few school administrators on the sidewalk welcoming Kindergarten students and parents. Principal Colley said, "Will Begley! Isn't this exciting?!" To which Will dryly responded,  "maybe for you."  

Walking in the door for the first time - at least as a Kindergartener. We have made this walk many times as a preschooler. 

Will's teacher is Mrs. Buck. So far he likes her.  I asked him if he liked her as much as he liked Ms. Garrett (Will loved Ms. Garrett).  He said that he does like her, but that she is much louder than Ms. Garrett.  

Later than afternoon I couldn't wait to get home to hear all about Will's first day of school.  I cheated a bit and called Michael during my drive home.  Michael told me that Will had a good day, but that he cried because Coach Unland told him that his tennis shoes were not appropriate for gym. To put this in perspective, Will really loves these tennis shoes.  He picked them out himself at the shoe store and would consider no other shoe after spotting these. Apparently, the shoes that Will picked out aren't tennis shoes, but instead are sneakers and are not DA approved . All elementary and middle school children must wear tennis shoes to school.  The way we heard the story, Will being the narrator, Will cannot wear these shoes to gym because he can't run in them.  Will was devastated and/or embarrassed and cried at school. My heart broke for him. 

When I got home I asked him about his day.  He said, "I had the best day ever, but I'm never going back."  How's that for a head scratcher.  He did make sure to tell me that even though Coach Unland said he wouldn't be able to run in his "sneakers" he still out ran all of the kids in the class AND his shoes didn't fall off of his feet one time!  He didn't seems too sad about the shoe situation once he got home, but I vowed to buy him whatever pair of "school approved" shoes he wanted. 


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