Buddy Walk 2012

Saturday was the 2012 "Buddy Walk."  My two little walkers were up at about 7:00.  Finn strolled into the bedroom around 6:30 and I let him crawl onto my side of the bed and snuggle for a few minutes.  Once Sam was up we went downstairs and I made Finn some pancakes.  Next it was time to get the boys ready for the walk.  I managed to get everyone in the car by 9:30ish.  

Once in the car Finn asked me to turn on the song "he listens to on the way to JT's house" which is just a song from my Mumford and Son's CD.  He sat in the back seat and sang.  As I was driving down Long Hollow Pike I noticed that the leaves were turned.  It was quite pretty.  At that moment, with the sun shining,    looking out over the landscape, listening to Finn singing and Sam laughing, I felt just about as blessed as one could feel.  (Super sappy, I know - but I wanted to remember how thankful I was for that drive to the Buddy Walk). 

Once in Nashville my serene and thankful attitude turned into one of complete frustration with the Auburn fans.  Vanderbilt's football stadium is right across the street from Centennial Park. The Vanderbilt/Auburn game started at the same time as the buddy walk. Finding a parking spot was a nightmare. By the time I was finally parked, it was 15 minutes until the walk was set to start.  I grabbed Sam, put him in the stroller and then took off walking as fast as I could.  In order to keep up Finn had to run.  After about five minutes of running as fast as he could he looked up at me with this panicked face and said, "mom I'm tired."  Not being one who relishes being late, I gave Finn a pep talk and we were off again.  

We met up with everyone in the nick of time.  Finn and Hank played with Finn's monster trucks.  Finn did share with Hank but he was so nervous the whole time.  Sam chilled in his stroller through the entire walk.  I put my shirt on his legs to keep him warm (it was kind of chilly) and he didn't make a sound. 

Once the walk got started Finn was all over the place.  I don't think that I walked with him once.  He would run with the front of the pack and then fall to the back.  One thing is for sure, he was having a great time. 

Feeding the ducks.

After the walk was over our group found a nice place to have a picnic.  Before leaving the house I packed a few sandwiches for me and Finn.  Mrs. Cyndi brought blankets and we had a nice lunch at the park.  

 Sam loved the picnic - he spent his rolling on the blankets.  

Finn opted for a hamburger over his peanut butter sandwich.  Actually, I think he ate mostly cookies. 

I spent some time making Hank love me.

After lunch Finn visited the Parthenon with Papa and played in the balls with Grandad.  He also played catch (which he never managed to do) and just ran around.  He did ask me to take him to the bathroom.  I did.  It was the dirtiest bathroom I have ever seen.  He took one look at the toilet and said, "this is too dirty - I don't have to go anymore."  I put some toilet paper down on the seat and made him try. 

One last shot with the "man of the hour." 

Before leaving the park Mom and Greg drove us back to our car.  On the way she gave Finn a Disney movie called "Dinosaur."  I had never heard of it before but Finn was very excited.  She also gave Sam a book - all about him.  It was an ABC book with song "A - You're Adorable."  Each page had a different letter along with a picture of Sam.  It is the sweetest book. 

Once we got home the boys took a nap.  When Finn got up he watched "Dinosaur."  He loved it!  


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