The Big Begley Wedding Weekend

*** This post has very few pictures. I hope to post more when the pictures are available. ***

This has been a big weekend for the Begley's due to James and Chelsea's Wedding which took place on Saturday.  On Thursday Michael and David threw a Bachelor Party for James at our house.  Finn was pretty excited about the party mostly because Pa came and because he got to eat pizza for supper.  Since woman and children are typically not allowed at bachelor parties Finn, Sam and I played upstairs until bedtime. After putting the boys to bed, I spent the next few hours working.  At 11:30 I went downstairs to tell Michael goodnight and found Finn sitting on the couch with Michael watching the boys play X-Box.  Seeing as how it was going to be pretty noisy downstairs the rest of the night I let Finn sleep with me.   Finn is a great sleeper - he snuggles right up next to you, throws his arms around you and sleeps on your pillow.  He was so happy to sleep in our bed - he kept saying over and over how much he loved me. 

The next morning Michael took the day off and we all four stayed home together.  At 4:00 we met the wedding party at Rockland Recreational Park for the rehearsal.  Finn was part of the wedding party so he got to rehearse too.  His part of the wedding was to carry a sign that said "Uncle James, here comes your bride."  Then he was to stand with Michael through the entire wedding.  The rehearsal for Finn did not go all that well and I officially became nervous.

Next we went for the rehearsal dinner at Monell's in Gallatin.  The dinner was great.  Finn didn't eat much, of course.  Sam, per capita, ate us all under the table.  He had a bottle, a jar of baby food and then sampled a lot of everything we ate. I spent most of my dinner tearing up corn bread, biscuits, green beans, peaches and potatoes for Sam.  I have said this before, but I will say it again: I have never seen a child eat as much as Sam.

After the rehearsal dinner Uncle James came to sleep at our house.  Finn went to bed pretty quickly after we got home and I rocked Sam for about an hour.

The next morning (the day of the wedding) I went over to the Begley's to get my hair done.  I left instructions for Michael to get the boys ready if I was not back by noon.  Well, I wasn't back by noon so Michael and the other Groomsmen helped to get Finn in his tux.  I was sad that I missed it, but I was told it is all on tape.  After getting Finn ready we took a few pictures.

Finn didn't really know what to think about his tux.  He kept pulling his tie out.  I was really worried that Finn wouldn't keep his tux on, but once we left the house he didn't say a word about it.

We got to the park around 2:00.  Chelsea was hidden away and the other bridesmaids and I joined her.  Finn went with Michael and the Groomsmen.  The next time I was Finn was as he was walking down the aisle.  He did so good.  He walked in step with the music.  He carried the sign correctly.  He smiled sweetly and he walked straight to Michael and stood next to him.  I was so proud of him that I almost cried.  Both of my boys were good as gold during the ceremony.  Sam sat with Uncle Charlie and I didn't hear a peep out of him.  Finn stood still during the entire ceremony and didn't say a word.  The only thing he did that was questionable was hand Michael an enormous booger during the ceremony. Michael showed it to one of the the other groomsmen and they both got a little tickled.  Edward later said that it was the biggest booger he has ever seen in his life.

After the wedding pictures were taken we made our way to the Begley's house for the reception.  I didn't see much of the boys at the reception.  My sweet and helpful Mother came up from Manchester to sit with Sam while the rest of us partied down.  Finn spent most of the night playing with one of Chelsea's young cousins.  At one point in the evening I found Finn laying spread eagle in the "fresh" mulch in his rented tux. 

Near the end of the evening we pulled Finn out on the dance floor and he boogied with me and Michael.  He was very nervous at first and would not let me put him down.  After a few minutes he adjusted and had a good time dancing on my hip.  He danced on Uncle David's shoulders for a while too.  Right before we left for the night Nana and Sam joined us on the dance floor.  It was a really fun time.

Overall, the wedding was great.  The wedding and the reception was so pretty and I plan to post more pictures as I get them.  I didn't take any pictures at the wedding and reception and hope to bum a few off of Chelsea.


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