The Wish List

On Tuesday we got the big "Toys-R-Us" catalog.  After supper Finn and Daddy sat at the kitchen table and Finn circled everything he wanted.  At first he wanted everything he saw - even girls toys.  Michael explained to him that he can only pick out a few toys.  He finally got the hang of it and had a really good time.

On this particular evening we had spaghetti.  I made sure to feed Sam before we sat down to eat but It didn't matter at all.  The minute he smelled my spaghetti he went into freakout mode.  So I guess you could say that Sam had my spaghetti for dessert.  Both of my boys love spaghetti.  After ever few bites Finn would say under his breath, "this is so good."

Later in the evening I crawled into the attic and pulled out Finn's old jungle activity center for Sam to play with.  Finn helped him figure it out. 


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