He speaks

On Saturday (October 6, 2012) Sam said his first word and that word was "mama."  SCORE!!!  It all happened while Michael and Finn were buying Halloween decorations.  Sam and I were upstairs in my bedroom "Goodwilling."   I was up and about moving all over the room sorting and whatnot.  Sam was getting really fussy.  I assumed he wanted me to pick him up.  Everything I walked away from him he threw an enormous fit.  Midway through I heard him cry "mama."  I ran over to him and picked him up and squeezed him.  This same thing happened over and over.  He only says "mama" when he is really mad.  But I am so happy regardless.

When Michael and Finn got home they hung the Halloween decorations. Then we put some brats on the grill for supper.  Finn a whole one.  Sam ate rice, grits and corn.  There really isn't anything that Sam won't eat - well that is except for baby potted meat.

As for the first part of our morning Sam and Finn were both awake by 6:30.  I took the boys downstairs for breakfast.  Finn watched Jurassic park and played with his Play-Doh while I cleaned the kitchen and den.  When Michael woke up I worked out and then the boys took a nap.  It was nice and chilly outside so the day was great!

The boys went to bed without a hitch.  Sam is so easy to put to bed.  The second I put him in his crib he rolls over on his stomach and goes straight to sleep and usually sleeps all night.  He is the best baby.


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