
On Wednesday night Michael decided to string the Christmas lights on the bushes outside of our house.  Finn and Sam were both really excited to help.  The second Sam saw the lights he started yelling "Its Christmas Mama!"  Before they all went outside Michael had to de-ice the sidewalk as there was an inch of solid ice frozen hard to it.  The lights went on relatively easy - it was just so cold.

On Friday Sam spent a half day with Gran while I ran a few work errands and attended a meeting at DCS.  I picked him around 11:00.  He was already ready for a nap so he snuggled into Sandy's new bed.

Before going home we made a not-so-quick stop at Kroger for groceries.  Sam was still quite sleepy so he started to fuss for something to snuggle with.  After much internal debate he decided on a can of corn. I am not joking or even being slightly dramatic for the sake of a good story - he grabbed that can of corn, snuggled it close to his face and laid his head down on my hands. When we got to the check out counter he wouldn't let it go.  I managed to get it away from him just long enough to pay for it.  When he got it back he resumed his cuddling.  For the rest of the day he snuggled with that corn - he snuggled with it in the car on the way home, he snuggled with it during his diaper change, he snuggled with it during his nap.  When I put him down for his nap I tried to take it away from him and he "lost it."  I quickly gave him back to him and turned right over and went to sleep.  When I went it to get him up from his nap he was sitting upright in his bed snuggling with his can of corn.  We took it with us to pick up Finn from school, we took it with us to the child support office (work related) and we took it with us to the courthouse.  The Court officers and Court clerks were stunned and amused to see Sam snuggling with a can of corn. I wish so badly that I had pictures of this.  Kroger really should pay us advertising fees for all the free exposure they got out of Sam.

When we were in for the night I gave Finn and Sam the "Christmas Tree" Little Debbie's that I picked up earlier that day.  I usually don't buy overtly sweet stuff, but in the spirit of Christmas couldn't resist.  I also went wild and bought chocolate milk.  When Finn saw that we had chocolate milk he said, "did Nana buy this for me?"  Finn obliviously associates half gallons of chocolate milk with Nana. The boys happily ate their snacks and drank their milk.

The next morning Finn stopped up the toilet when using the bathroom.  He immediately tried to flush the toilet again and the water came rushing up.  I explained to Finn that if he didn't stop he would flood the bathroom. Finn whipped around and gave me a look of sheer panic. He said, "mom, will the whole earth flood with potty water?"  Finn's only reference for the word "flood" is in association with the great flood in Genesis.  He was terrified that he, single handedly, would destroy Earth with a single bowel movement.  


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