Christmas at Nana and Papa's 2013

Around 4:00 on Christmas Eve we arrived at Nana and Papa's house for Christmas.   Once there the boys immediately went to the playroom.  They played until dinner was served at 6:00ish.

Dinner was great this year!  Papa bought a panini press and we had delicious sandwiches.  Finn said it was the best grilled cheese he had ever eaten - that is until he tasted the pepper jack cheese.  Sam enjoyed dinner as well - he ate a little bit of everything, shrimp, fruit, cheese, chip and caramel popcorn.

Afters supper the boys all got baths and then we took a few pictures in front of the Christmas Tree.

Next Papa and Nana read the Power Point version of the Christmas Story.  Nana couldn't get through one sentence without Finn interjecting and either correcting Nana or elaborating on the story.  The boys were completely enthralled.

Next it was time for bed.  The boys did their fair share of stalling - but the adults won out in the end.  Em's kids slept together on the air mattress in Mom's room; Sam slept in the pack-n-play in Mom's closet and Finn started out in Mom's bed.  It wasn't too long before Finn decided that he didn't want to sleep in Mom's room so we slept by himself in Em's room until Nana went to bed later than night.

After the boys were asleep we put the presents out.

Then we went upstairs to the playroom and played "Heads Up" and ate ice cream.  It was a really fun night.

The next morning the boys were up by 6:30 ready to open presents. Finn and Sam were extremely excited.

 From Santa Finn received a punching bag.  He loved it.  I am hopeful that he will use his ninja weapons on the bad and not Sam.
 Santa brought Sam a tricycle.

 All the boys really liked the punching bag.

 Sam really got into the "Christmas" spirit when opening his presents.

Sam playing at Finn's new fold up Ninja Turtles table.

The boys with their turtle coms.

 Uncle Zac blowing bubble off of the balcony.
After the boys opened their presents we ate breakfast.  After breakfast the boys opened their stockings. We let them play for a couple hours before the adults opened presents.  After everyone had opened all the presents the boys played and the adults ate lunch.  It was a very nice, fun, relaxing Christmas morning.

Before packing up to leave for the day Papa and Finn took a walk around the property while Sam tried out his new tricycle in the garage.


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