Our Family Christmas 2013

Sunday morning I woke up early and worked out. As was I working out Finn came into the garage and ever so sweetly said, "mom, I am so happy." I asked him why and he told me that he was happy because he was getting to open more presents today.  Since we are going to Dad's on the 23rd/24th and Mom's on the 24th/25th and leaving for Hawaii on the 26th we decided to have our little family Christmas Sunday after church.  

 After getting home from church I sent the boys upstairs while I set their presents out.  This begs the question - what about Santa - doesn't he come when your asleep?  Well, Michael isn't crazy about the Santa Claus thing and didn't really care.  I, on the other hand, was a little concerned about how we were going to explain this. Luckily, Finn didn't ask.

This year we got both boys lazer guns.  We got Finn ninja turtle figurines and weapons.  Finn also got some ninja turtle playing cards.  He seemed really excited about the cards.  Sam got the figures from "Rise the Guardians."  My goal this year was to get something for Sam that he would really like - well I succeeded.  He was very happy with "Sandy", "Jack Frost", "Tooth Fairy" and "Easter Bunny."

When Finn saw Sam's "Rise of the Guardians" toys I think he got a little jealous.  This is the first time that Sam has gotten a present that Finn thought was awesome.  He told me that he had asked for a "Rise of the Guardian" toy too.  Bare in mind - he had not.  We explained to Finn that these were Sam's toys and that Sam may share with Finn.  Character building at its finest.

After the presents were opened I made lunch.  Since Sam will eat almost anything I decided to make Finn's favorite foods.  We ate pancakes - real ones, made on the griddle, eggs and cheese cubes.   While we were eating breakfast Finn asked us who gave him the ninja turtles cards.  I told him that they were from me and daddy.  He smiled sweetly and thanked us.

For dessert we had homemade chocolate ice cream and sprinkles.  Finn ate mostly sprinkles.

Sam trying to figure out what he wants for his birthday.

Finn playing with his new ENORMOUS dinosaur.  In addition to the ninja turtles and Rise of the Guardian toys, both boys got a "Godzooki" stuffed animal and a huge T-Rex.

I really enjoyed my time with the boys but I can't wait until next year when we open presents with messy hair and jammies on Christmas morning.


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