The Storm

Last night after putting the boys to bed, I went to town to do a little shopping.  While I was out Michael sent me a text message warning me of the tornado warning.  Not wanting to get caught in bad weather I hurried home.  I arrived home around 9:30.

Both boys were awake sitting on the couch watching the news.  I went to sit down with them and Finn said, "Mom, I think something bad is happening."  He looked excited and scared all at the same time.  Sam didn't say much to me other than, "be quiet mama."  Minutes after arriving home we lost power.  Michael and I grabbed the boys and went in our safe room, a.k.a the bathroom.  We had candles and blankets and pillows and ipads.  Even though the boys were really keyed up - I will always have a fond memory of that night in the bathroom.

The power was off for at least another hour.  Michael and I lit candles and I wrapped the boys presents by candlelight.  When I was about half way through the power came on.  It was much easier wrapping with the lights on, but I kind of wish it had stayed off the rest of the night.


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