Judicial Committee

In December of 2013, Judge Brown asked if I would serve on his re-election committee. Seeing as how I practice regularly in his courtroom, and I think he is a great Judge, this was a "no-brainer" for me. We called ourselves "The Committee to Re-Elect Judge Barry Brown."  The committee comprised of myself, Samantha Grosland, Debrah Frizzell, Sue Dunning, Sallie Brown, Evan Espey, Pat Vantrease, Ricky Bradley, Walter Stubbs, Jay Ingrum, Jay Longmire, Donna Lucas, and Gary Williams.

My role on the Committee was to handle media work, i.e.,  Facebook, newspapers, website.  No, I didn't create the website, I was just the point person.

Website Homepage: 

In working with the local newspapers I purchased ad space and submitted the ads.  As one of the three administrators for the Facebook page, I posted information and photos.  I have pasted some of my posts below (for posterity).

I have been pretty busy the last few months.  Here are few pictures of what we were up to.
Facebook Page Launch - January 7, 2014. 

Facebook Post: The Committee would like to thank everyone who supported Judge Brown by taking a moment to visit and "Like" his Facebook page! The Committee is very excited that this judicial campaign is underway, and we will update you as to important dates as the campaign progresses, i.e. events and early voting information. Judge Brown is one of two candidates running for Juvenile Court/General Sessions, Division II Judge, so it is important that each and every one of you vote on May 6th. Thank you again for your support.
Gallatin Fundraiser - January 2014.

Debrah Frizell, Samantha Grosland, Me, Patricia Brown, and Judge. 

Gary Williams, Judge, Jay Ingram (Committee member), Paige Brown, and Gary Williams' Brother. 

Magistrate Howard, Frank Heathman and Evan Espey (Committee member).

 Judge and Sallie Brown (Committee Member) after Sallie's introduction of Judge.

The Committee decorated and prepared all the food for this fundraiser.  Debrah Frizzell and Samantha Grosland, who have a knack for this kind of stuff led us well.  

Hendersonville Fundraiser, February 2014.

Facebook Post: Campaign event TONIGHT! Come out and show your support for Judge Brown at the Bluegrass Country Club from 4:30 to 6:30.

Me and Sallie Brown (Committee member) - taking the donations.

Sue Dunning (Committee member) and Vicki Trull (Candidate for Circuit Court Clerk). 

Samantha and Patti Garner (Candidate for the Chancellor).

 Gary Williams (Committee Member), Debrah Frizzell (Committee Member), Russ Edwards (Poll Volunteer).

Joe Harsh (Committee Member) and Frank Heathman (Juvenile Court Staff)

Portland Fundraiser - March 2014. 
Me and Samantha taking up the donations.


Facebook Post: The opponent of Judge Barry Brown states "We have never had a Republican General Sessions, Division II, Juvenile Judge." The reason is very simple, THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A REPUBLICAN PRIMARY FOR GENERAL SESSIONS, DIVISION II, JUVENILE COURT JUDGE BEFORE. Judge Brown is a Republican. Don't let innuendos fool you. We do have a General Sessions, Division II, Juvenile Court Judge with conservative values. He has been doing a great job for 27 years and will continue to do so.

Facebook Post: KEEP JUDGE BROWN!

Finn, Sam and my shameless plug


Barry Brown: 82% Highly Recommend, 12% Recommend, 3% Do Not Recommend 

Virginia Tompkins: 7% Highly Recommend, 15% Recommend, 72% Do not Recommend 

Judge Brown received overwhelming support in a poll taken by members of the Sumner County Bar Association. Judge Brown states, “I am humbled by, and appreciative of, the overwhelming vote of confidence by the Sumner County Bar Association. This is a vote by those who have direct contact with the Court. They see the way the Court functions and have knowledge of a judge’s demeanor and how he handles his docket, individual cases and how he treats the public.”


Reagan Day Dinner - April, 2014.

Judge Brown's table.  Judge Brown and his brothers. 

 Judge Brown with his assistant, Karen Summers. 

Facebook Post: Congratulations Judge Brown! A straw poll was conducted by the Sumner County Young Republicans at the Reagan Day Dinner on Friday night. 78% of the 209 ballots cast in the Juvenile Court Judge race were in favor of Judge Brown!

Revealing the results of the straw poll. 


Squarefest - April 2014. 

Facebook Post: Judge Brown and his supporters at Squarefest in Gallatin, Tennessee. 

The weather was great, the company was enjoyable, and the food and entertainment were excellent. What a wonderful day!

I was one of the "game-keepers" at the event. 

Facebook Post: Today is the last day of early voting in Sumner County. Get out and VOTE! If you can't vote today - VOTE on May 6th (Election Day). Judge Brown has served this County well for almost three (3) decades. Let's bring home a big win for the children and families of Sumner County!

Facebook Post: Alright folks. . . tomorrow is it. Thus far 824 individuals have openly supported Judge Brown on Facebook. The Committee is so thankful for each and every one of those little "thumbs up" icons as they are testament to the character of Judge Barry Brown and indicative of a "job well done" these last 27 years. We ask that all 824 of you go vote tomorrow (if you haven't voted yet). Please do not feel that your vote doesn't count - this is a contested race - your vote counts! Let's bring this one home!

Election Day, May 6, 2014.

Facebook Post: One more hour to vote . . .
Me and Frank holding down the fort at the Long Hollow Baptist Church Precinct.


Pizza Machine, May 6, 2014 

 Anxiously awaiting the results - they were posted on the Election Commissions website.  I was nervous wreck. Check out that sunburn!

Magistrate Howard reading the "early voting" results.  "Some guy named Barry Brown just got 3,267 votes." At this point, we felt pretty confident as Judge's opponent only scored 1,126 in early voting.  After all 27 precincts came in the tally was 7971 (Judge) to 3171. He took all 27 precincts! 

Facebook Post: The results are in and Judge Brown has been re-elected as General Sessions, Division II/Juvenile Court Judge! Judge Brown carried the day with 71% of the vote. The Committee thanks each of you for your support and for your vote. We couldn't have done it without you!!!


  1. Amazing work you did...from press releases to all those facebook posts. You could be a professional campaign media manager!


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