Last Day of School

Well, Wednesday was the boys' last day of school.   Finn will go on to the K4 class and Sam will stay right where he in the K2 class (much to his teacher's dismay - have I mentioned that Sam is horrible).  Both boys were pretty cooperative and excited because they were having a program at school, bouncy houses and McDonald's.

Check out our dead grass.

Finn trying to spy on Michael working out in the garage.

When we got to school I learned that Ms. Beth (the most patient woman alive) will not be at the Gallatin campus over the Summer for Crusader Camp.  She will instead be at the main campus.  Oh dread. Sam is going to be devastated.

The awards ceremony started at 9:30.  I missed the whole thing because I was in Court.  Wednesdays are not good days for me to take off.  They combined all the classes for a few songs and a poem about mission work.  According to what I have been told, Finn is either a natural born leader or inordinately bossy.  During "I'm in the Lord's Army" some of Finn's classmates did not stop singing at the end of the song and continued to sing a second refrain.  Finn immediately turns around, and starts waving his arms in a swatting motion as if to say - stop it.  During the poem all of Finn's classmates (including Sam) forgot the words midway through.  Finn, with this elephant memory, powered through the rest all alone.  While doing so he cut his eyes back and forth to his classmates with a look of "get it together" all over his face. In the classmate's defense - this was a pretty hard poem.  I am so glad that Gran taped this performance.

Next they gave out the awards. Finn earned the "Best Artist" award.

Sam was awarded "Most Inquisitive."  Or in other words, "most likely get into something that he is not suppose to and ultimately wind up in time out or worse" award.  I love teacher speak. 

After the awards ceremony the kids played outside at in the bouncy houses.  Sam wouldn't go inside and mostly explored the parking lot.  

After playing for an hour or so they ate their lunches and went home.  Gran brought the boys back to the house and they took naps.

After naps we went to Hobby Lobby to frame our family portrait.  Then it was off to "Chef's Market" for dinner.


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