The Secret of the Ooze

This morning I told Finn and Sam that we three were going to do something fun together.  I said, we can have a "girls night!!"  When Michael and the boys hangout they call it "boys night" I didn't mean to call it a "girls night" but I just said before thinking.  Finn looked a time really funny and said, "okay mom, but I'm still a boy."  I asked Finn what he wanted to do for our fun night and he told me that he wanted to make a craft.  You see Finn spends much of his mornings trolling around YouTube looking for good idea.  Yesterday he found a video on how to make mutagen with Borax, water, glue and food coloring.

After picking the boys up from school we went to Wal-Mart to get the supplies.  I had the Borax already so we picked up clear glue and food coloring.  After a very healthy supper of Fruit Loops, and a bath, the boys sat down at the kitchen table to make mutagen.

I was really impressed with how quickly the Borax caused the ooze to congeal.
Finn was so excited about the ooze.  He immediately went to get his ninja turtles so that he could slime them.

Sam liked it to.  He kept asking me to look at his snake.

Not too bad for a quiet night.  It is surprising clean too. 


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