Mother's Day Weekend

 On Saturday we drove down to Nana and Papa's house to celebrate Mother's Day weekend.  On the way down we stopped at a store in Murfreesboro to make a quick exchange.  I misspoke - nothing is quick about Murfreesboro.  Anyway, while in the store, I turn around to find Sam rubbing a mannequin's leg.  He said, "it is so beautiful mom."

Once we got to Nana and Papas house me went to Ms. Shelton's to pick up my picture.  Finn and Sam played in the yard while he oohed and ahhed over her selection.  When I went outside to check on the boys I found that Finn had moved Ms. Shelton's decorative rocks (big rocks) away from her flower bed.  I hurriedly and very quietly put them back where they went - or at least I hope I did.

Next we went back to the house and played on the new swingset that Papa made for all the boys.
 Sam relaxing in Adirondack chair on the covered deck.

Finn and I swinging.  Finn wanted to see who could go the highest.  He claims to have won. I will dispute that to my dying day.

 Next Finn wanted to race.  Even barefoot and in a dress, I smoked em' all.

 Finn wiped out on his second race.
 It was all made better with a sip of Diet Pepsi.

After playing outside, we came in and made sandwiches on the panini maker.  Finn and Sam had peanut butter and jelly.  Only they didn't eat their peanut butter and jelly sandwiches because Nana gave him crunchy peanut butter - oh the horror.

 After supper the boys played upstairs.  Much of their playing involved dog piling Papa.

 The next morning Finn woke me up with a surprise - donuts in the bed.  He was so proud of his efforts.  So proud in fact, that he took two of my donuts off my plate while I wasn't watching.

 Our "all dressed up and ready for church" picture.

We went to church at FBC Sparta.  Sam was terrible and Finn was whiny.  Midway through the service I took Sam to the nursery.  They couldn't give him back to me fast enough at the end of the service.  Sam must have cried most of the time.  In fact, when I picked him up he was still crying.  When he saw Finn for the first time he cried as hard as I have ever heard him cry.

Next we went to Aunt Laura's for Mother's day/ Papa' birthday.  I gave Sam a banana and put him down for a nap in the pack-n-play as soon as humanly possible.  He thankfully slept the entire time.

All the group pictures. . .

Finn with his new buddy Caleb.  Finn thought it was awesome that Caleb called him "Sven."

 Sam, after I woke him up.

This picture about sums it up - Sam in poor spirits and Finn with the thumbs up.

We had a great day.


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