Baby Henry

On Monday at 3:35 in the morning we got a text from Uncle David saying that he and Sharon were heading to Vanderbilt.  I had trial that day so Gran kept me updated via text message to Sharon's progress.  Around 4:00 p.m. Gran sent a text saying that Henry was here!

After Michael and I both got home from work we loaded up in the car and went to meet Henry.  We found David, Sharon and Henry resting peacefully in their hospital room.  Finn and Sam were a little nervous at first.  Finn got tickled at Henry's noises - he thought that he sounded like a duck. Finn warmed up to Henry pretty quickly, but Sam was less impressed.

The evening became infinitely more interesting for the boys when Uncle David pulled out his WWE belt.  It was at that point that we realized that David hadn't seen the main event.  Despite our repeated attempts to instruct Finn to NOT tell David who won, we had no confidence that he could keep that secret.  Luckily, Finn dug down deep and didn't spill the beans.

Henry is so precious! He was the result of multiple hours of natural labor and 3 hours of pushing! Sharon did a great job - and David was, from what I hear, a pretty good helper. 

After leaving the hospital we decided to go to Five Guys for burgers.  The boys were pretty keyed up and didn't sit still for a second. 

We had the entire back half of the restaurant to ourselves so Finn took the opportunity to display his wrestling moves.

the Randy Orton . . .
the Stardust . . .

the Roman Reigns . . .

the Daniel Bryan  . . .

the John Cena . . .

Finn doing the John Cena

the bull hammer. 

They are so funny!


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