Easter Weekend 2015

On Saturday night we met Gran, Pa and Aunt Chelsea at our church for the Easter Service.  After the service was over we all went to eat at O'Charley's.  Next it was time to start prepping for Easter lunch. Since I was hosting this year, Aunt Chelsea came over to help me cook. Uncle James and Pa came over to watch the NCAA tournament with Michael. 

The next morning we went to Gran and Pa's church.  Sam and Finn sat mostly quiet during the entire service.  After church we gave the boys their Easter baskets. This year we got the boys a wrestling game for the XBox. 

After everyone got to our house we had the egg hunt. 

Then the boys counted their loot. 

After the hunt we had lunch together.  It was Gran, Pa, Chelsea, James, David, Sharon, Henry, Sharon's mom and dad and Dave and Eve.  Lunch was really good.  Michael, David, Ed and I ate outside since it was so nice.  It was really a nice, relaxing day. 


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