Poor Gran and Pa

On Thursday, while driving home from school, Finn started talking about Disney World.  He asked me about the first time I went to Disney World.  I told him that Nana and Grandad took me to Disney World when I was five years old.   Finn told me that made sense, since Nana and Grandad were my mother and father.

Then Finn got a really sad look on his face and in a pitiful voice said, "mom, when do you think Gran and Pa will have children of their own?"   Confused, I said, "Finn, Gran and Pa have their own children."  I then asked Finn to name Gran and Pa's children.  Finn looked at me and said, "well, I guess its me and Sam."  I was flabbergasted.  I reminded Finn and both he and Sam are mine and Daddy's children.  Finn then seemed to remember that yes, those two people that have been raising him for the last five and half years were his parents.

Then he said, "well, who ARE Gran and Pa's children?"  I just kind of gawked at him until he said "oh, I remember, it's Daddy, Uncle David and Uncle James."

Later than night we took the boys down to the creek to ride their bikes.  Finn did a great job riding. Sam, screamed in delight as I pushed him the entire time.  And let me say, it is hard work pushing a small child on a "small child" bike.  First, I was in a very awkward position because I had to lean down so low to the ground.  Second, Sam laid (metaphorically, of course) on the brakes the entire time. So I was hunched over pushing a stationary bike with all of my might while Sam made comments about what good job he was going riding his bike.

On Saturday, Sam and I went to Aldi to see if it really cheaper.  I think it might be.  I let Sam pick out one item - he chose to giant marshmallows. Once we got home I gave Sam a marshmallow and we sat on the back patio on the swing and snuggled and listened to music.  It was great.

This is the group picture for this year.

This is just a cute story about Sam learning to count.  The other day Sam and Michael were sitting on the couch working on their school work.  Michael asked Sam how high he could count.  Sam responded, "How do you rate your pain?"  


  1. Those are the cutest school pictures!!

  2. Lol
    I think "How do you rate your pain" is from the chart of smiley and frown faces in our hospital room when they visited Baby Henry.

  3. Lol
    I think "How do you rate your pain" is from the chart of smiley and frown faces in our hospital room when they visited Baby Henry.


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