Grandparent's Day

Today was Grandparent's Day at HCA.  The boys have been working very hard preparing for their program.  Sam has earned either a yellow or red sticker everyday this week for his fervor during program practice.

Nana, Papa, Gran and Pa came to watch the program.  This year was a camping theme. The kids discussed what food products they brought with them. Sam informed the group that he brought the Ketchup.   Finn requested to make s'mores.  Sam also ensured that nobody forgot about the chips.  Actually, Sam whispered this line so the chips were more than likely forgotten.

Next they same campfire songs:  Rise and Shine, John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt, Do Your Ears Hang Low, and On Top of Spaghetti.  Both Finn and Sam sang all of the songs - which, for Sam, is a great improvement from last year. Sam was so funny when he was singing.  He closed his eyes and swayed side to side.

Sam showing off his swimming moves.

After the program we ate hot dogs and other campfire foods.  After a few pictures, it was time to go home.

Before going home, we stopped for lunch at Monell's with Gran and Pa. After lunch the boys spent the remainder of the day with Gran and Pa while I caught up on some work.


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