Sam is Five

Well,  my sweet Sam has turned five.  I can't believe it has already happened.   I am so thankful for Sam.  He has his own set of issues, i.e.,  it takes him way too long to get in and out of the car, but that can be overlooked given his sweet spirit. He will share anything with anyone, he is inclusive, and he get excited about everything. He is a good student, he loves his teacher, and he loves his friends.

Right now his favorite shows are "The Wall", "Paw Patrol", "PJ Masks", and "AFV."  Even though he has never seen the movie, he likes to play "Star Wars."  He loves the PS4, and his bunny is still is most favorite toy.  His favorite food is hamburgers. His favorite basketball player is LeBron James. He still loves to cuddle and regularly asks me to sit on the couch and cuddle with him.  He has a bad habit of going to mailbox without our permission and he likes to sleep in nothing but his underwear. He asks me every morning if I am going to "come back for me." (For some reason Sam is afraid that I won't pick him up from school.) We still do our "special handshake" every night at bedtime, and he is obsessed with making sure his socks are on correctly and the tongue of his shoe is pulled tight.

In addition to all of his special quirks, Sam is also growing funnier every day. 

1.  Last week while trying to get the boys ready for school, I couldn't find Sam.  I finally located him in by bathroom going through my makeup.  I asked him what he was doing.  He said, "mom, I'm coming, I just have to shape my cheeks first." 

2.  Sam loves hard rock sounding songs.  Recently he has been obsessed with "Don't Bring that Trouble with You" by NeedToBreathe.  During the guitar solo he said, "Mom . . . listen to that remote control guitar!"

3. Sam is still completely enamored with his bunny.  Last night after finishing up his nightly Bible study with Michael, Sam said, "Dad, I'm going to miss my bunny when I grow up and die on the cross." 

The day we got a dusting of snow.  Sam was ready to "dig us out." 


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