The Off Week

The week between December 26th and January 1st was an "off week" for our family.  The boys were out of school, Will was out of daycare and Michael was mostly out of work (he had a few hearings to do from home.)  In an attempt to not get too far behind, I worked a little everyday.  My goal was three hours a day.  Mostly I would hang out with the boys during the day and work in the evenings.

I taught Finn how to play checkers.  Finn now thinks that I am a genius because I am pretty good at "double jumping."  It's pretty easy to be good at checkers when you are playing a seven year old.  He caught on pretty quick though.

Overall, the week was pretty good.  I was a little stressed out about getting work done and getting my house cleaned up.  I wish I hadn't been so stressed about silly things - but I can't redo it. I can just strive to do better next year.

On Friday evening we left all three boys at Gran and Pa's house and we met Dustin and Elena for pizza and a movie.  We ate at NY Pie and then saw "Dangerous Beasts and Where to Find Them."  It was a really fun night.  I also learned that I could pump an entire bottle in the movie theater while watching the movie.  I had on a really big shirt (a Long Hollow shirt as Michael calls them) and was able to pump a way and not miss a minute of the movie! 

When we got to Gran and Pa's house we learned that Will loved watching the cars on the track.  He was mesmerized. 


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