Will's Baby Dedication

On Sunday January 15, 2017, we dedicated Will at church. It started with a really early morning and ended with Sam throwing up all night.

We got up at 5:30.  We have to be at church at 8:00 and all of us had to look at least somewhat presentable. This is actually harder than it sounds.

During the 9:30 time slot the church invited the families to the chapel for breakfast and a little speech by the children's pastor. 

Finn and Sam LOVED the breakfast.  They split one of the biggest cinnamon rolls I have ever seen and tried to swipe my scone.  

After breakfast we got lined up to go on stage.  Finn and Sam were both really excited get to go up on the stage.  Finn was excited to get to speak to the congregation.  He asked me what daddy would say about our family and then he said, "mom, what would you like for me to say up there?"  I kindly reminded Finn that he was not allowed to make a peep while on stage. Looks like Finn will be our public speaker. 

This is about the time that Michael realized that Will peed on him. 

After the service we took Sam back to class and let Finn and Will attend service.  Will sat with Nana and was good as gold.  He was mesmerized by the singing and the lights. 

Then we all went to Penn Station for lunch.  When I say "all" I mean Nana, Papa, Gran and the five of us. David was not able to come, but he did come to baby dedication.  

We had a great lunch.  We had a nice time talking and hanging out. 

Then Nana gave Will his dedication gift.  It is a Case "Gentleman's Knife" with his name engraved on it. 

Later than evening Will demonstrated some of his major milestones.  He can sit, assisted, and play with his toys. He can also hold a bottle (as long as it is a narrow bottle).  He fed himself 2 oz.  

While he was doing that, Finn and I were running around the house at full-speed playing Sam's new laser tag game.  No joke, it is so much fun. Sam and Daddy looked at bugs under a microscope. 

Then the puking started.  Right around the time Michael put Sam and Finn to bed, Sam started throwing up.  Earlier that day Sam drank the last of some chocolate milk that was left in the car overnight from breakfast the day before. We told him to stop because he would get sick - but the damages had been done.  Now, we don't really think that the milk made him sick, but instead that he had a terrible stomach bug.  He threw up at least eight (8) times. 

We put a bucket next to his bed so that he didn't have to run to the bathroom.  

Finn lost his mind when Sam threw up and went sprinting out of the room.  The next time we saw him, he was dressed as "germ man."  Leave to Finn to make it all about him. There is truly no one like him. 

Finn fussed the rest of the night.  He did not want to sleep in the same room as Sam.  Look how pitiful Sam looks.

After round six (6) we got Sam up and sat with him on the couch.  I sat with him for a while and then Michael sat with him until around 3:00 a.m.  Poor boy threw up from 8:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. and all the while, he never complained at all.  In fact, we didn't know he was sick until he threw up the first time. 


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