Sam's Real Birthday Lunch

After the game, we took Sam out for a birthday lunch.  We like to do something with the boys on their actual birthday.  Sam decided that he wanted to go to Dairy Queen.  We invited Gran, Nana, Papa, Grandad, Gigi and the Swinehearts to come with us. 

Nana, Papa, Grandad and Gigi gave Sam his gifts.  We also gave Sam one of his gifts from us.  It was a Ninja Turtle PS4 game.  He was so excited.  I got the whole thing on video. 

Nana and Papa gave him the boxing gloves that he asked for. 

Nana also made his an "According to Sam" book.  She made a similar book for Finn several years ago.  It is a compilation of my funniest blog posts about Sam.  She categorizes them, titles them and adds pictures.  It is a true labor of love and the boys love them. Sam really enjoys when I read Finn's book, but asks regularly when he will get his own "funny book."  Finn's reaction to Sam's book was so sweet.  He turned to Nana and very quietly said, "Thank you Nana."  Finn knew how important it was to Sam to have his own book. 

Sam also got a great Laser Tag game from Grandad and Gigi.  I played it with the boys the next evening and we had a great time. 

Will sat with Grandad during the party.  He was awfully partial to Grandad and Gigi - probably because Grandad give him ice cream.  You can imagine my shock when Will didn't want to eat his sweet potatoes.  That is sarcasm. 

After the party, Jack and John Matthew came back to the house to play. 


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