Earning His Way to Heaven

About three weeks ago, Michael and I had a discussion about Sam's understanding of God, Jesus, salvation, etc.  We concluded that Sam seemed to have no real understanding of our sin nature and our need for salvation.  One week later while saying his prayer at bedtime, Sam, out of nowhere, prays that he is sorry for his sins that he trusts God.  Michael and I were both flabbergasted.  We were really encouraged that Sam is actually starting to comprehend. 

Fast forward one week.  Sam is sitting on the towelette in the bathroom right off of the foyer.  He has the door closed and the fan on.  It takes Sam a really long time to go to the bathroom, so he entertains himself as best he can.  On this particular evening Sam starts singing a song that he made up.  After a few minutes, I stood at the door and listened.  Sam's song was so sweet and so heartfelt.  He was talking to God - telling him how much he loved him, but that he was really afraid to die.   He would sing over and over, "God, I am so afraid to die."  Though his words were heavy, his tune was lighthearted.  It was just the most honest little song, from a trusting little boy. Then he starts telling God all the reasons that he should go to Heaven when he dies.  His most compelling argument was the fact that he didn't cry when he got hit in the face with the football.  


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