Will's First Real Trip to the Zoo

On Friday most of the Begley's fought rush hour to spend an awesome night at the Zoo.  The weather was cool and dry, the zoo wasn't crowded and the all of the animals were out.  Will's first trip to the zoo was this past October for the Halloween event.  It is really crowded and dark at the Boo at the Zoo, so this was technically Will's first trip.  

Sam the navigator. This picture is so sweet. 

Check out Michael's expression. 

These turtles were incredible.  This one weighs 55 pounds. 

Will looking at the kangaroo.  Will really loved the Zoo.  You could tell exactly when Will spotted the animal.  His eyes would get big  and he gasped.  Will is doing this gasp thing now when he gets excited when it basically just sucks in huge amounts of air.  It is really loud and so precious.  He was able to find all of them on his 

We were all able to pet the Kangaroos. 

After the zoo we went to Five Guys for hamburgers. It was a really fun night. 


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