Finn's 8th Birthday Party

Last Saturday we had a family birthday party for Finn at our house.  During the week of the party, I got to thinking about his cake and I realized that I have never made a birthday cake for any of my children.  Making a birthday cake seems like a very "motherly" thing to do so, I set out to make a birthday cake for Finn.  I stayed up until midnight the night before the party backing my layers.  I made a triple layer basketball cake.  It turned out pretty good.

While I was cleaning and preparing for the party, Finn, Sam and Michael went to play/coach flag football.

This was their second game of the season and Sam the best run of the entire game.
After the game, everyone came back to our house for Finn's party.  Here we have Sam telling Hank about his new Rock, Paper, Scissors book.

After eating pizza, Finn opened his presents.

Will was particularly interested in Finn's new Buck Denver movie.  Buck Denver is his favorite show.

Finn asked for a sports gear for his birthday.  I got him a Kevin Durant shirt and Grandad and GiGi got him a Steph Curry shirt.

Cooper, Hank and Quinn got Finn WWE legos.

After presents we sang to Finn.  Sam was so sweet.  He stood right next to Finn, but his hand on his back and sang directly to him.  It was a precious moment.

Then it was time to play outside.
The boys all made their way to the creek.

Then they all removed their clothing.

After everyone left I helped Finn put together his wrestling legos.

He also ate a few more of his handmade cookies that Grandad and Gigi brought for him.
On his real birthday (the next day), we met Gran at Casa for dinner.  While he wasn't paying attention I told the server that it was Finn's birthday.  Finn was so embarrassed - but he was a good sport.


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