Ride Along with Thomas

On Sunday, Gran and Pa took Henry, Mason and Sam to "Ride Along with Thomas."  This is the same event that we took Finn to for his second birthday.

When Sam got home on Sunday evening he was so excited to tell me about his day with Thomas.  I have to say that I miss Thomas a little bit.  We watched it constantly with Finn.  Now, we have introduced it to Will and he seems to like it.  When I watch, I can remember Finn being about the age that Will is now - and I start missing Finn a little.  I also start thinking that Sam got cheated out of his Thomas phase because he did whatever Finn was doing.  Anyway, all this to say, that I am really happy to have Thomas back in my life.

This was Finn's "Ride Along" day - six years ago.

While Sam was with Gran and Pa, Finn, Will, Michael and I hung out around the house.  Michael and Finn watched football together while I finished up painting my kitchen island.  Will woke up from his nap screaming like he had an ear infection, so I ran him up to the Little Clinic right at closing time.  I spent an hour in the car and Twenty Five Dollars to learn that Will is just cantankerous. What else is new.


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