First Day at the Beach

On Saturday, the first day of our vacation - we took the boys out to the beach for the first time.  When we got out side we saw hundreds of jelly fish, both on the shore and in the water.  I spent the first hour taking the boys big shovel and making a big pile of jelly fish.  It was a lot more fun than it sounds. Once the beach was clear(er) we let the boys play.

 Will loved the beach.  I expected him to hate the sand, the salt water and the waves - but he didn't.  He spent most of his day trying to run into the water.  He really liked walking in the surf.  He even didn't mind when the waves splashed him in the face.

Uncle David buried Sam in the sand.

 The boys also body surfed for the first time.

At around 11:00, we took the boys inside for lunch and a nap.  Will took three hour naps every day.

After his bath, I took Will's picture with my big camera.  It was his first experience with my flash - and it scared him.

After naps we took the boys down to the pool while David and Sharon cooks dinner for everyone. 


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