Traveling to Fort Walton Beach with Will
On Friday, after Sam's field trip, we loaded the van and the five of us headed to the Begley Family vacation in Destin, Florida. The boys were so excited! Michael and I on the other hand were a little nervous about the prospect of riding all the way to Florida in the car with Will. Since we waited until after the field trip, our drive didn't start until 3:00. This put us going through Nashville at rush hour.
After we felt that we had managed to make it through all of the weekend rush hour traffic, we stopped at Hardees for dinner. Even though he had only been in the car a little over an hour, Will was ecstatic to be out. While we were waiting on our food we let Will run around all over the restaurant (we were the only one in there at the time).
We forgot to bring in his shoes so he ran around in his socks. You should have seen the bottom of those socks. Gag.
After supper we made a big parenting decision - we turned Will's car seat around to face the front. He was thrilled to be able to face forward and watch TV with his brothers. Michael and I were pretty proud of ourselves. We just knew that turning him around would mean a calm and peaceful journey. As usual, we were mistaken. Will fussed even more. It was as if (by turning him around) we opened up a whole new set of things for Will to fuss about. Thankfully, I had the foresight to bring all of our Buck Denver movies (easily his favorite show). Once the show started Will calmed right down and watched quietly. On a less happy note, he is now completely spoiled. Now any time he gets in the car he points to the TV and grunts.
Around 8:00 Michael and I stopped for coffee. Again, we let the boys run around the McDonald's parking lot where they struck up a conversation with three (3) elderly people.

After getting back in the van, we tried to get the boys to settle down for the evening and get some sleep. I think that Sam was the only one who managed to do so. Will might have slept for 45 minutes of the entire trip. Even so, he managed to be stay in a pretty good mood. As long as we had Buck Denver going Will, while maybe not a "happy camper" was at least an "occupied camper."
After we felt that we had managed to make it through all of the weekend rush hour traffic, we stopped at Hardees for dinner. Even though he had only been in the car a little over an hour, Will was ecstatic to be out. While we were waiting on our food we let Will run around all over the restaurant (we were the only one in there at the time).
We forgot to bring in his shoes so he ran around in his socks. You should have seen the bottom of those socks. Gag.
After supper we made a big parenting decision - we turned Will's car seat around to face the front. He was thrilled to be able to face forward and watch TV with his brothers. Michael and I were pretty proud of ourselves. We just knew that turning him around would mean a calm and peaceful journey. As usual, we were mistaken. Will fussed even more. It was as if (by turning him around) we opened up a whole new set of things for Will to fuss about. Thankfully, I had the foresight to bring all of our Buck Denver movies (easily his favorite show). Once the show started Will calmed right down and watched quietly. On a less happy note, he is now completely spoiled. Now any time he gets in the car he points to the TV and grunts.
Around 8:00 Michael and I stopped for coffee. Again, we let the boys run around the McDonald's parking lot where they struck up a conversation with three (3) elderly people.

After getting back in the van, we tried to get the boys to settle down for the evening and get some sleep. I think that Sam was the only one who managed to do so. Will might have slept for 45 minutes of the entire trip. Even so, he managed to be stay in a pretty good mood. As long as we had Buck Denver going Will, while maybe not a "happy camper" was at least an "occupied camper."
We arrived in Fort Walton Beach a little after 11:00 pm. Gran met us in the parking lot and took us up the condo. She had already set up all of the beds so we put the boys in bed immediately and then went to sleep ourselves. Overall, it wasn't a bad drive.
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