Spirit Week 2017

Well . . . the most dreaded of all weeks is now behind me.  Spirit Week.   Yes, I dread this week - not because it isn't fun, but because it is a lot of work.  Particularly for a mom who procrastinates and attempts to throw something together the night before.  I wasn't much of a "participator" growing up, so these kinds of things are way out of my comfort zone.  I don't want my boys to be like me, so I encourage them to really have fun with Spirit Week.  .

This year's theme was centered around the different looks from the decades - 50's, 60's, 70's, and 80's.

THE 50's:

THE 60's:

THE 70's.  

Sam was sweatsuit Rocky from the original 1976 ROCKY.  Finn was Rocky from ROCKY II.  Sam did not get the reference.  

THE 80's:

Sam was Ivan Drago from Rocky IV, complete with the hammy and sickle of the former Soviet Union. We were a little nervous to send Sam to school decked out like a Russian nationalist - but, against our better judgment - we powered on. Sam loved it. 

Finn was Maverick from Top Gun.

Sam's makeup. I thought that I did pretty good making him look like he had been in a fight.


Will was not a fan.

Over all it was a fun week.  Everything that the boys wore was something that we already had around the house - except for the yellow shorts.  I got those from the Goodwill.  Then I spray painted duct tape and taped it on the shorts to make the yellow and black boxing trunks. 


  1. Love it! I bet their teacher loved you on boxing glove day!


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