Homecoming 2017

 Last Friday was Homecoming.  Just like in years past, the elementary school children (or maybe I should say their parents) built floats.  The parade always takes place at Drake's Creek Park in Hendersonville.  Sam was very excited to see that Papa was able to come.

Keeping in line with Homecoming week, the floats were decorated by the decade.  Finn's decade was the 80s. I could not let an opportunity like this pass me be by so I went to Wal-Mart and bought red, white and blue duct tape and made Finn some Rocky IV shorts.  They were not easy to make - but the final results were well worth the frustration.  Finn was so excited to see them - as so was his friend Jack for that matter.  Finn was really proud to wear those shorts.  He smiled the whole time. 

 A mother's job is never done.  Especially when said Mother didn't make an allowance for Finn's bottom in the duct taped shorts. Anytime he bent forward the seams would pop. 

Sam's decade was the 50s. He wasn't nearly as excited about his costume - especially after seeing Finn's, but the experience of hanging out with his friends and family at the park made up for the lack luster costume.  I had planned to dress him as Buddy Holly - but forgot to get the glasses.

Always the performer.  Finn told me the other day that he thinks that Sam will grow up to be a wrestler because he has such a big personality. 

I wish I knew what Finn was reacting to. 

Finn's friends Samuel (left) and Luke (right).

Finn's teacher - Mrs. Lockherd.

My favorite float - the 60's "Little Rascals"

This was the crew that came to watch - minus Nana who was, of course, taking the picture.

After the float we went to eat dinner with the Nana, Papa and the Swineharts. Afterward Nana came home to spend the night with us and help us paint. 


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