Tonight Finn found, what he thought, was a bug in his mashed potatoes. He would point and say "ooohhh" and "bug." Rest assured it was not a bug, instead it was a little piece of the crush off of our chicken. In order to calm his nerves I took the little piece of crust out of his potatoes. I then attempted to eat it. Finn was mortified! As the fork arrived at my mouth Finn yelled "no, bug."
Then I had fun with him the rest of the night telling him that I was going to eat a bug and that he had bugs in his milk; he believed me.
Later on we went outside to help Daddy pull weeds. Finn became preoccupied with looking at the bird house. We have a holly tree in the back of the yard that has a small nest with an egg in it. Finn must have remembered the nest and would not leave me alone about it. We went to see the nest three different time. He also wanted to hold the "ball" in the nest. I must have been really hot this afternoon because Finn wanted to go inside after being outside only about 30 minutes.
So we went back inside and watched a few Veggie Tale songs and built a tunnel with blocks. These are just a few pictures of Finn cheesing it up.
After his bath Finn ate a bowl of raisins and dry cereal and then around 7:40 he looked at me and told me night-night and he went to bed.
I have never met a child that puts himself to sleep at night! You all are blessed!