Jump - eeee

Today Finn and I went to the pool. This trip was a bit better than the last. There was no screaming this time and Finn actually spent most of the time laughing. At first he was a little timid, but once we started jumping he was good to go. He also went down the slide a few times - not on his own volition of course but he didn't cry. Well there was that one time that he landed face first in a foot of water and freaked out a bit, but for the most part he brushed it off.

His favorite thing was to stand on the side of the pool and let me pull him into the water has hard as I could and then swing him around in the water.

Afterward he took good nap. Once we was awake we went to get my hair cut. Daddy met us there and took Finn back to his office for the rest of the work day.

Once they got home we made pizza and then spent the rest of the night until bath time pulling weeks outside.

These are a few pictures of Finn swimming with JT. They are so precious together. Notice that Finn is wearing his hat - I can't for the life of me get Finn to wear his hat.


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