Well I think the days of Finn sleeping until 7:00 are behind us. For the past 2 weeks Finn has been up at 5:30, including Saturdays. This morning he woke up about 5:15 and Michael was able to coax him back to sleep until 6:30.
After we got up Finn asked to watch Thomas. After Thomas was over we played in the TV room until Daddy woke up. Once Michael was up Finn took an active interest in Michael's shorts and asked to "put it on."

Around midday Finn and I went to do some grocery shopping while Daddy mowed. This was a bit of a fiasco. Finn loved to see lawn mowers and was very upset when he couldn't stay home and mow with Daddy. Some of it may be my fault. When I vacuum I let Finn stand with me and help me vacuum. He will put both hands on the vacuum cleaner and walk back and forth me. I guess he wants to do the same thing with the mower. Unfortunately this is a bit more hazardous that vacuumming; well that is unless Finn continues to lick dust off of the attachment tools.
After we got home from the store Finn had his first fudge pop. It was everywhere! He sat there and said over and over "good ice ceem." Now when we open the freezer he sprints over and asks for some.
Then he decided he wanted a "peety butter sanich" and he wanted to eat it at the table. Finn really likes to eat his meals in the big chairs now. For the most part he does okay. He really enjoyed his sandwich today. I was sitting in the den and all I could hear was Finn going "ummm."
Right now Daddy and Finn are outside weed eating. Finn is walking around behind Michael carrying a broom cleaning up the grass. Finn loves sweeping the driveway. Currently this child will either be a truck driver or a janitor. But whatever his career of choice, one thing is for certain, he will do it more heart and enthusiasm than anyone.
Correction, Michael and Finn just rolled by the window. Michael is pulling Finn in his red wagon. So sweet.
After his bath tonight as I was going to put on his Boudreax's Butt Paste, Finn looked at me and said very excitedly, "Butt Paste!" He is clearly very comfortable with his nighttime routine. Speaking of routine, Finn did something very uncharacteristic tonight, he told me that he did not want to watch Chess, but wanted to see "Phana of the Opa."
After we got up Finn asked to watch Thomas. After Thomas was over we played in the TV room until Daddy woke up. Once Michael was up Finn took an active interest in Michael's shorts and asked to "put it on."
After we got home from the store Finn had his first fudge pop. It was everywhere! He sat there and said over and over "good ice ceem." Now when we open the freezer he sprints over and asks for some.
Correction, Michael and Finn just rolled by the window. Michael is pulling Finn in his red wagon. So sweet.
After his bath tonight as I was going to put on his Boudreax's Butt Paste, Finn looked at me and said very excitedly, "Butt Paste!" He is clearly very comfortable with his nighttime routine. Speaking of routine, Finn did something very uncharacteristic tonight, he told me that he did not want to watch Chess, but wanted to see "Phana of the Opa."
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