Today was all about Finn. First, we went to Snip-its at Cool Springs to get Finn's haircut. As you may recall Finn loathes getting a haircut so Gran did some research and found the perfect place! It is like walking into Seuss Landing! There is so much to distract little cranky toddlers.

The haircut started with Finn diving into a bucket of suckers.

Each station has a t.v. and toys to play with. Finn did great! He didn't want to wear the cape, but he didn't seem to mind anything else. He sat very quietly and ate his sucker.

After his haircut Gran and I took him into the bathroom and washed all the hair off of him.

On the way out the door Finn was able to exchange some of his hair for a prize. You put the piece of hair in one door, drop a card into a card slot and a toys comes shooting down. Here is Finn reaching for his duck.

Next we went to the Courthouse in Franklin to file some papers for a client. Then we stopped by the mall to pick up a pair of pants for David. By this point we were all starving so we stopped by the food court to eat some lunch. Finn had french fries and a milkshake; well he dunked his french fries in his milkshake. Finn was something else at the mall - this boy was in the mood to run. As long as we would point him in the right direction he would run as fast as his legs would go (which isn't very fast). We could easily keep up with him walking.
After lunch he made the trip back home. Finn was so good today, I was so happy to be with him. But the night just got better. At 6:00 we went to Monkey Joes to celebrate Addison's 4th birthday. It is unfathomable to me that Addison is 4! He is the first baby that I have known, loved and watched grow up to a precious little dude. Monkey Joes is great! It is a huge room full of bouncy castle type thinks. Finn, of course, was really nervous as first. He would not let us put him down. But after about 45 minutes his curiosity got the best of him. Right about the time Finn started to play the dinner bell rang (so to speak).

During dinner I felt a little teary, not sad, just realizing that Finn is growing up. Finn sat with all the other kids and ate pizza, drank juice and had cake. I sat behind him at first, but when I walked off he didn't seem to mind too much. He looked so sweet sitting there with the other kids. After cake, Finn went back out to the bouncy houses. Only this time, he wanted to get on the big kid ones. Michael and I got in with him and we had a ball. Finn loved the tunnels and the slides. This kids can smell a tunnel from a mile away. After we went down the slide a couple of times, Finn decided that he wanted to start climbing up them. He didn't seemed scared at all.

Then Finn, Savannah (Addison's cousin) and I got on a huge slide together. I may have underestimated how hard it was going to be to two kiddos through. By the time we got to the slide I was exhausted. I heaved Finn up to the top of the slide which was at lease 6 feet tall, and then prayed that he wouldn't fall off backwards while I heaved Savannah up. Luckily nobody fell, except for me and everyone had a good time.

Cliff Hanger.

I was so happy that Finn liked playing at Monkey Joes. I think I had as much fun as he did just watching him. I hope to take him back soon.
On the way home Finn told us where the animals lived. He told us that a mouse lived in a burrow, that fish lived in water, that a bee lived in a hive, that a dog lived in a dog house, that a bat lived in a cave and that penguins lived on Sodor - I guess you can't get them all right.
When got home Finn crawled up in my lap and watched Chess. While we were watching he rubbed my leg, laid his head over on me and said, "I love you." This really was one of my favorite days with Finn.
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