
This morning Michael got up with the Finnster and let me sleep in for a few minutes. However, mere moments after Michael and Finn got up Michael was right back in the room telling me that Finn woke up with a dry diaper. Seeing as how he only had one very light diaper all day yesterday I was worried. So much for sleeping in.

After Michael left for work Finn and I went to Krogers. Right before we went inside the I spoke with the Pediatrician and she told me to bring him in and that they may have to catheterize him and get a sample - juuuust great! I decided that come hell or high water this child was going to produce his own sample so I grabbed some Pedialyte off the shelf and then we marched over to the sippy cup aisle and I let Finn pick out a cup. He picked a really cute Mickey Mouse one (shown in the pictures below). I opened that sucker right in the aisle, poured the unpaid for pedialyte into it and made Finn drink two full cups. Well guess what, it worked. I won. In fact it worked so well that I had to change my shirt after picking him up. I reported this news to the pediatrician and she told me as long as he had a few more wet diapers that we didn't have to bring him in.

Then we went to meet Daddy for lunch. Finn sat in the booth next to Michael and ate a few french fries. He was very affectionate the whole time. When we got home I took Finn to the pool. The first half of our "fun" pool day was utter disaster. Finn screamed bloody murder. All the other mothers in the pool looked at me like I was putting Finn in a torture chamber. The only upside is that Finn and I had an entire section of the pool to ourselves. Anytime we would get around anyone else, they would clear out. Just so you know I won this one too. After about 10 minutes Finn let me put him in his float and he floated around in the water for about an hour. He loved when I would swim underneath him and grab his feet. Once he was used to the water he had a good time. He really enjoyed watching Addison swim around. He would walk to the edge of the water and try to throw things at him. When Finn felt it was time to go home he would run to the front gate and pull on it.

After the pool Finn took a long nap in his bed while I cleaned and mopped the kitchen. Mopping was necessary as either Finn or Kodiak spilled and spread mandarin oranges all over my kitchen floor. When he finally woke up I sat with him on the couch and he fell asleep for another hour while I watched some of Half Blood Prince. In all I think he slept two and half hours.

Even with that long nap Finn went to bed without any problem. During his bath tonight I noticed that he was sticking his nose in the water. One time he breathed in. He looked at me with the strangest look on his face and said "nose hurt."


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