
The 2013 Thanksgiving Extravaganza The Thanksgiving Holiday break started for me on Tuesday. Dad picked both boys up from school/daycare Tuesday afternoon and took them to Tullahoma. After work on Tuesday I was officially done for the rest of the week! I met Michael at Brixx pizza and we had a nice quiet dinner. It was a great dinner except for the gravel in my quatro formaggio pizza. After supper we went home to watch Breaking Bad and I made homemade ice cream. On Wednesday I did a few piddly things at work and then Michael and I headed to Manchester to spend the night at Nana and Papa's house. When we got there Em and her crew were already there. We ate pizza and then Em put her boys to bed. After the boys were asleep we spent the rest of the evening in the playroom watching Youtube videos. I don't remember the last time I have laughed that hard for that long - my cheeks hurt from laughing. We quickly went from laughing to b...