Warm Coats

It was FREEZING this morning - so we pulled out the winter coats for the first time this season.  I feel so sorry for kids in winter coats.  They look so uncomfortable all buckled in with zippers up to their ears.  They do look so cute though.

I may have mentioned this already, but indulge me.  As I have posted several times before Finn and Sam love singing "Look Down" from "Les Mis."  One part of the song says, "Sweet Jesus Doesn't Care."  Finn sang that part to Nana last week and Nana told him that Jesus does care.  Since that time Finn has changed the words.  Today when they got to that part Finn just hummed through it (didn't say the words).  Then he got a really serious and almost sad look on his face and said, "mom, they just don't know Jesus - that's why they said that. They are bad men and need to know Jesus." (by way of background these bad men were prisoners). Right on cue Sam starts in with "Jesus Love Me."

Today was a home day for me and Sam.  First we went to the courthouse where Sam tried to wash his hands in the water fountain.  Then we came home and cleaned up from our Sunday School party last night.  I wish so badly that I had taken a picture of our playroom.  Fourteen (14) kids were playing in it last night.

After getting everything tidied up Sam took a long nap and I allowed myself to feel crummy.  I am on day three of a headache and I haven't had time to feel bad.  Well today I drank it all in.  I felt awful and enjoyed every minute of it.  Mostly because I wrapped up in a blanket, drank coffee and watched old "Six Feet Under" episodes while Sam took a three and half hour nap.   Other than the pain it was a perfect day.

When Finn got home he decided to play with his Play-Doh box.

Sam decided to play with the skeleton.  He carried that awful thing around for an hour.  It looked as though he was waltzing with it.

The boys really like hanging out in the garage while Michael works out.

After supper I went back to feeling crummy on the couch while Michael and Finn went to Gran's house to get out her Christmas decorations. Sam and I cuddled on the couch for about 30 minutes.  After getting bored with his mom Sam sat on the ottoman and watched "The Guardians."

Last night we had a party for our Sunday School class.  As referenced above - we had 14 kids in our house and at least that many adults too.  We had a blast.  The kids were great too! For for the most part they stayed upstairs in the playroom.  At 8:00 the party was in full swing - however, Sam was ready for bed.  We decided to give it a shot and put him down.  Even with all the noise right outside his door (from all the kids in the playroom) Sam slept like . . . well, Sam.  More proof that Sam is THE best sleeper. The other parents were amazed.  


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