HCA Thanksgiving Program

Tonight was the Thanksgiving Program at Finn's School.  Grandad, Gran and I all arrived at the school/church around 5:30 (the kids had to go early to get ready).  Daddy drove separately because he had to pick up Sam. The program was scheduled to begin at 6:00 - at 5:59 Michael and Sam had not arrived.  I was so afraid that they would miss it.

The program started promptly at 6:00 with a prayer.  The pastor asked everyone to bow their heads.  Right in that silent moment before prayer was about to start I head a very excited and very loud voice yell "GRANDAD!"  Then he yelled "GRAN!"  He was so excited to see Grandad and Gran.  After the chuckles died down the prayer was said and the program began.

The program started with the kids saying the pledge and singing "My Country T'is of Thee."  The program was really cute and Finn was fantastic (I videoed it).  Finn was a turkey in this production.  He sang all four (4) songs with such gusto.   Finn had one line that he shared with the other kids in his class.  The went like this, "Any everyone had a great Thanksgiving - except for the turkeys."

 Sam was so sweet during the program - Sam was so excited to see Finn on stage.  He pointed and yelled "FINN" through the entire program.  The great part was it didn't matter how loud Sam was, he was hard to hear over the sounds of the kids singing - they could really belt it out.

After the program we went to the fellowship area for dessert and coffee. Finn ate Oreo dessert, pumpkin pie and cookies.  During dessert Finn's teacher came up to me and asked me how I was feeling.  I told her that I was feeling fine.  Apparently Finn has been asking for prayer for me everyday for the last few weeks.  I learned that Finn told his teachers and his entire class that I am pregnant, but not to tell anyone because it is a secret.  Wow.


  1. Just in case it wasn't clear from my post - I am NOT pregnant.


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